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Artist Statement

Izzy focused her Fine Art degree exhibition work on exploring visualisations of pain, experiences of depersonalisation, and the physicality of flesh itself. Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos syndrome, she translates her experiences of chronic pain into visual artworks. Heavily inspired by soft sculptures and immersive fabric installations, she has been playing with varieties of materials and shaping them into her own interpretation of human flesh to visualise her feelings of detachment from her own body. Stretching, folding, and layering the material over canvas frames she stitches the fabric into the canvas to set its shape. Not dissimilar from skin, each artwork continually changes as the bubbled fabric shifts and ripples. Using a mixture of acrylic and gouache paint, pen, lino print and embroidery, she creates dark, textured, and haunting representations of the body that carve out her emotional and physical pain onto the surface.

Izzy's work also explores the beauty of the natural world. She has a keen interest in moths, butterflies and wild flowers, frequently illustrating them using Procreate. Alike skin, there is a delicacy and vulnerability to these subjects; a frequent theme in her practice. She also crafts a variety of abstract paintings from oil and Acrylic, using mottled and layered brushstrokes to build worlds of vivid colour. More recently having finished a Masters in Illustration, she’s been heavily experimenting with ceramic painting on bisque pottery, translating her floral style onto more practical homeware and decorative items. 

About: Bio
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